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Blog aka KWC Wisdom: Blog2

Lego Unity Ceremony written by Kerri Watkins Celebrant

Updated: Sep 28, 2024

My gorgeous couple and their boys are avid lego lovers! And they dreamt of a ceremony that would unite them in love and family. A ceremony that would combine their love of lego and their family unit. It seemed only fitting that they would have a Unity Ceremony but it wasn't going to be a candle unity ceremony and it wasn't going to be a sand unity ceremony. It had to be a LEGO UNITY CEREMONY!!!! And I was soooo freaking excited to be part of this journey and celebrate with them!

When planning your own day, don't forget to let your celebrant know what you enjoy doing together, do you have any hobbies that you would like to share with your family and friends. Is there something symbolic that you would like as a forever memory from your big day!

This gorgeous family trusted me to create for them a ceremony that was unique to them and that the words spoken would represent their love for each other and their family and beliefs on marriage.

Check out what I wrote for them below ;)

White yellow blue green and red lego being used in a wedding lego unity ceremony

Lego Unity Ceremony written by Kerri Watkins Celebrant

Child Name 1, Child Name 2, and Child Name 3, please bring in the blocks…

Today’s ceremony is a celebration of the love that Couple Name 1 and Couple Name 2 have for each other. But today also represents the blending of this beautiful family and an opportunity for them to continue to build their love and family, brick by brick.

To Couple Name 1 and Couple Name 2, Child Name 1, Child Name 2, and Child Name 3 are their world, and without them, they would be incomplete.

Playing Lego is something that they all enjoy. They can do it together, alone, with their grandparents or with their friends. It combines them together where they build relationships with each other, brick by brick. They often build as a family, but I am told that there is definitely a competitive edge to who can build the fastest. Who can build the fastest?

Lego. From Danish leg godt means to play well. But funnily enough, in the Collins dictionary, it is described as, a construction toy consisting of plastic bricks and other standardised components that fit together with studs. How lucky are you Couple Name 1, to be surrounded by all these handsome studs!!!

In the words of Rochat, “through play, we do feel alive in a way that is different from the feeling of being alive in ordinary life. It is a feeling that is open ended. It is a creative mindset, because it is awareness of possibilities and of surprise outcomes: winning, losing, succeeding, resolving, affecting, surviving, or failing to achieve”. And lucky for you, you all get together to help each other with those hard projects.

Lego is also described as limitless. It pushes the boundaries of your imagination and creativity, which blurs the lines between fantasy and reality.

It is true, that if such a simple item like a Lego brick can have a profound impact on your lives, that it would be foolish for you not to include it on the biggest building block of your lives.

You each hold your container of coloured Lego. Each colour representing you, your personality, your hopes and dreams for the future, your love for each other, your strength, and your competitive edge. And today you promise each other, to continue to build your love and family brick by brick.

I would now like to invite you all to take a turn to combine your Lego blocks.

And what a beautiful masterpiece you have created. To some, only Lego, to each of you, a lifetime memory of the love you have for each other and the promises you have made today.

So, remember, those blocks on your life journey, can either be roadblocks or building blocks. It is up to you to choose. But together, as a family, you are capable of amazing things, and it is true that the power lies in “everything is better when you stick together”.

Couple Name 1, Couple Name 2, Child Name 1, Child Name 2, and Child Name 3, may you continue to have a lifelong playful spirit, and find many opportunities to play, make and share. And lastly, in the words of Emmet don’t ever forget – “You are the most talented, most interesting and extraordinary person in the universe. And you are capable of amazing things because you are special”. And you are loved.

lego combined in glass jar during lego unity ceremony at wedding

What type of symbolism or ritual can I design for you - would love to hear your thoughts!!

Kerri x

Building a strong foundation, one Lego at a time? Now let’s build epic vows that reflect the love you've created. Join the Epic Wedding Vow Writing Course and make your ceremony even more memorable!

The Wedding Society featured Kerri Watkins Lego Unity Ceremony on their blog

I'm so honoured that The Wedding Society featured my Lego Unity Ceremony in their blog post on How to Include Your Children in Your Ceremony. For more ideas on how to include your munshkins in your ceremony, head to their blog by clicking on the Pink Flamingo to the left☺

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